Question: 1 / 50

You are working as a Security Guard and your duty is to escort a large group of people through a high security area. Where should you position yourself in relation to the group to best accomplish your job?

The front of the group

The back of the group

As a security guard escorting a large group of people through a high security area, it is important to position yourself at the back of the group. This allows you to maintain control of the group and monitor their movements, ensuring their safety and the security of the area. Standing at the front may make it difficult for you to keep an eye on everyone behind you, while standing beside the group may make it easier to lose sight of individuals. Accessing the group and monitoring via closed circuit television is not as effective as physically being with the group and being able to intervene in any potential security breaches. Additionally, standing at the back allows you to quickly react and address any individuals who may try to break away from the group. Therefore, positioning yourself at the back of the group is the most efficient way to accomplish your job as a security guard in this situation.

Beside the group on either side

Access the group, then monitor their movements by closed circuit television


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